External Complaints Policy


Last updated February 20, 2025

Warman O’Brien is committed to providing a high-level service to our customers and clients. If you do not receive satisfaction from us, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.

We ensure that making a complaint is as easy as possible and we treat complaints as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our services, calling for immediate action to be taken.



In the first instance, we ask for complaints to be resolved informally. Should this not be possible, complaints must be made formally in writing, by either an email or letter to Kay Wilson the following details:

Postal address: Warman O’Brien, Floor 5 Regal House, Twickenham, TW1 3QS

Telephone number: 020 3325 5075

Email address: kay@warmanobrien.com


Your complaint should contain the following information:

  • Your full name and contact details;
  • Explain the issue as clearly and fully as possible, including any action taken so far; and
  • Names of the employees, clients or customers involved; and the resolution sought.



We will record your complaint upon receiving it.

We endeavour to send you an acknowledgment of your complaint within 5 working days and confirm what will happen next. This will be communicated by email. We will also let you know the name of the person who will be dealing with your complaint.

We may need to verify your identity and may request additional information/documentation from you. We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve the following steps:

  • Reviewing your complaint;
  • Speaking with you;
  • Establishing the relevant facts;
  • Speaking to the person/s you have dealt with and any other relevant parties; and
  • We may request further information or documents from you as appropriate.

We will let you know of the outcome of this review within 14 working days of acknowledgement. However, if you have raised a request for access to information held about you on our system (“Subject Access Request”), we may take up to one month to respond to you, subject to the UK GDPR.

If we have to change any of the time scales above, we will let you know and explain why.


Version Number: 1

Date: 2025



Following Warman O’Briens response to your complaint, if you feel we have been unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you can go through the appeals process by asking for your complaint to be referred to our Managing Director, Charles Sealey for further investigation.

Once the appeals process has been completed, the original complaint outcome will be upheld, or you will be issued with a revised complaint outcome.

The decision on the appeal is final and there is no further right of appeal.